Sororities and fraternities

Floridus AURUM
The oldest, most diverse, fun and international Sorority of S.A. Comitas is Flõridus Aurum.
We are the girls in Gold.
Each year we organize a Family Day, a Gala with dates, a Christmas Dinner and our Sorority’s birthday, with every 5 years the Luster Holiday!
Regularly we get together for drinks such as Karaoke- and Ladies Night and organize activities with old friends or blind dates…
Flõridus Aurum counts over 100 members of which the graduates still join activities and Soos nights with us!

S.C.D. Apollo
S.C.D. Apollo was founded as the first Fraternity of Comitas on December 30th, 2005. From that moment in time, Apollo has evolved into what it is nowadays. Apollo is represented by more than 100 members, making it the biggest fraternity of Comitas. An Apolliaan is characterized by his presence and thriving enthusiasm during all Apollo and Comitas related activities. The strong brotherhood that has been created over the years is the main reason that Apollo differentiates itself from other fraternities. The heart of Apollo is located on ‘t Singel 53 in Amsterdam, a place that we like to call ‘t Huysch.

A.G.F. Caesar
Amsterdam Gentlemen’s Fraternity Caesar, is the original and largest international Fraternity within Comitas. Founded in 2010 by four young men with a vision to create a Fraternity which would bring together Gentlemen from all over the world.
Caesar is respected throughout Comitas for its love of having a good time.
Caesar is growing every year, Caesar now has members of more than 30 nationalities who are all proud to wear the beautiful Green Tie.

A.D.D. Insolente
A.D.D Insolente is a Dutch Sorority with strong characteristics. We are proud to have become known as the girls in black and white that stand their ground.
We believe in our values and what A.D.D. Insolente stands for. At times we may be intimidating, but believe us, we all have a big heart. Every Soos night we proudly represent A.D.D. Insolente at our fixed spot next to the bar!
A.D.D. Insolente

A.I.S.A. Aphrodite:
A.I.S.A. Aphrodite stands for Amsterdam International Sorority Aphrodite, founded in 2011. We are spontaneous and outgoing girls, who are open minded and respectful to other cultures. We strive to get the best out of every situation, trying to maintain a high level of performance in being a splendid student and a trustworthy friend. We stand for what we believe; we are ambitious, hard working and driven. But, above all, we are aware of who we are. We do not hesitate to be ourselves. We represent our sorority. We are Aphrodite.
With love,
A.I.S.A. Aphrodite

Whilst G.A.U.D.I.U.M. is linked to the Hotelschool trough S.A. Comitas, the friendships amongst members exceed far beyond this. With diversity as a cornerstone of this fraternity, we are a unique group of members with friendships for life. Fraternities are commonly referred to as brotherhoods, and that is for a reason. Brothers push each other to be the best version of themselves and allow each other to excel. Being part of such a driven brotherhood propels our individual success and motivates us to give back. Our mission is to promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education while creating and cultivating a lifelong, values-based fraternal experience.