
S.A. Comitas was founded in 2002 after Hotelschool The Hague opened its second campus in Amsterdam. Brotherhood and solidarity is what characterizes the association.

On the 15th of November 2002, six students founded Student Association Comitas under the command of Rolf Bloem. Today S.A. Comitas is an independent association with over 600 members from over 15 nationalities. English and Dutch are the two main languages of communication within the association.

The association provides a platform for long-lasting relations socially and professionally and creates a home for all associated members. (By maintaining the Soos, a private association bar, and by organizing various events, S.A. Comitas adds value to every member on a professional, social and educational level. )

Throughout the years, Hotelschool the Hague and S.A. Comitas worked closely together, establishing a bond of mutual respect. Conjointly, trying to enhance the student time of our members. 

Over the years, 4 Sororities, 3 Fraternities, tons of Year Clubs and numerous indispensable Committees have been established. These horizontal and vertical relationships complement the diversity within our association. Furthermore, they offer our members opportunities to experience leadership roles, work responsibly in small teams and manage strategical and/or event related projects. Since September 2007, S.A. Comitas completely switched to an International Student Association, welcoming all cultures and embracing diversity.

S.A. Comitas strives to provide its members with the best student life they can wish for.